HUM TUM .............ME N U .....................ADI N VAISHU ...........................

This would be my first blog talking about us ... Yes that's me n u .... HUMTUM It is rightly said opposite attract, ME N U are opposite but yet one :) Actually don't know how many years have passed by our relationship but still everyday is a new day for us and we make sure that we irritate each other so that the other can show his/her love for him/her. Vaishu is a beautiful girl with a huge heart that's why she bears all mistakes of Adi & is always with him be it be right or wrong. Adi being a born arrogant idiot had many time shouted on Vaishu but as gentle as an angel she was always able to control the situation. and make Adi understand. Adi has changed a lot after Vaishu came to his life i know baby you would be grinning after reading this line but its the truth. The below mention lines are here just because you asked me to write :) What I like about her :- She is beautiful as an angel She is caring She is fun-loving., though a...